The Canyon
Is a classic and essential dive for all caves and cavern fanatics. On the way to the Canyon, you pass through a beautiful coral garden that is full of life that you would expect in the Red Sea. Upon approaching the crack at about 20 meters deep, you start seeing the many bubbles stream up through the sea floor. The topography is fantastic with a dreamy light show by the sunrays entering through the cracks. The clean white sand at the bottom of the Canyon at about 29 meters deep, allows you to just relax and enjoy the scene. The hundreds of cave sweepers filling the coral dome above just add to the overall great feel of the dive.. Big colonies of Star coral, Gorgonians, soft and black corals are to be found here. You will pass anemones with their anemonefish and come across Butterfly fish and Angelfish on this dive.
The Bells & The Blue Hole
This is one of the most famous dive sites in the Word. The dive starts from the “Bells” which is an open chimney wide enough for one diver at the time. The Bells name came from the sound coming from divers’ tanks touching the sides of the wall. You exit the chimney at about 25 meters deep and swim to the right along the outer wall of the Blue Hole where you find majestic overhangs that are full of life and color. It is a must do dive site. Big colonies of Star coral, Gorgonians, soft and black corals are to be found here. You will pass anemones with their anemone fish and come across Butterfly fish and Angelfish on this dive.

Gabr El Bint Ranks among one of the most attractive sites of North Sinai. With the access by boat, it is less frequently dived than the other dive sites in Dahab which has left this site in pristine condition. Gabr el Bint means ‘The Grave of the Girl’ in Arabic. There are two dives possible here. The right side, also known as the dark side, features a steep wall that drops down to about 60m cut by numerous chasms, sandy ravines and overhangs. The drop-off is adorned with healthy table corals. The left side is a far more colourful featuring a virtual forest of gorgonians. Usually drop down to about 20-25m swimming along massive boulders protruding from the drop-off which attracts dense shoals of anthias and glassfish. You will find some of the healthiest gorgonian fan corals in the Red Sea. The ledge is riddled with exquisite coral heads that attract numerous reef species, including swarms of anthias, scorpionfish, parrotfish, crocodilefish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, trumpetfish, stingrays and very often a turtle.
At the end of the ledge usually is home to a shoal of black and white snappers and twinspot snappers hang here between 5m and 10m. One of the truly breathtaking dives in Dahab.
Tiran The Tiran area contains four unique reef systems; Jackson, Woodhouse, Thomas and Gordon. The natural formation of this area has allowed for a steady flow of plankton to the coral reefs, completing the food chain cycle from planktons to sharks. The systems offer both diverse marine life and fantastic seascape. These reef plateaus have an abundance of marine life, and fantastic wall drop-offs offering encounter opportunities with pelagics and sharks in the season between July and September.